Pikatesti 1: Paljas infinitiivi, to-infinitiivi tai ing-muoto, täydennystehtävä

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Täydennä joko paljas infinitiivi, to-infinitiivi tai ing-muoto.

1. Let me you. (entertain)

2. I saw you in the rain. (dance)

3. I know how a good time. (have)

4. Why not others your good mood? (allow; witness)

5. Sasha will never get used to his ideas with others. (share)

6. My boyfriend enjoys good ballet. (watch)

7. If he recommends a show, you’d better him. (believe)

8. He says Swanlake is worth . (see)

9. Sadie wants me to a dance performance with her tomorrow. (go)

10. I’ve already promised my sister’s kids. (look after)

11. I like kids. They make me . (laugh)

12. Your leotard? I can’t remember it anywhere. (see)

13. Clare has given up . (smoke)

14. She stopped for health reasons. (smoke)

15. Now she does nothing but energetic all the time! (feel)

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