Test 2 B: Tags

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Valitse lauseelle jatkoksi sopiva liitekysymys.

1. You've watched a lot of movies in your lifetime, a. aren't you? b. don't you? c. haven't you? d. didn't you?

2. No one likes actors who overact, a. do they? b. does one? c. don't they? d. doesn't one?

3. It'll be interesting to see which film wins most Academy Awards this year, a. isn't it? b. doesn't it? c. won't it? d. wouldn't it?

4. Meryl Streep's had 18 Academy Award nominations and won three, a. isn't she? b. hasn't she? c. didn't she? d. won't she?

5. Everyone'd like to see her win yet another Oscar, a. hadn't she? b. wouldn't they? c. didn't we? d. doesn't one?

6. I'm very fond of not-so-handsome films stars like Tommy Lee Jones, Clint Eastwood and Ed Harris, a. am I? b. don't I? c. have I? d. aren't I?

7. Ed Harris often plays the roles of bad guys, a. don't they? b. isn't he? c. didn't he? d. doesn't he?

8. You didn't know he was a very good athlete in his youth, a. didn't you? b. did you? c. was he? d. wasn't he?

9. People sometimes think that a person who plays the roles of villains is a nasty person in real life, too, a. isn't he? b. doesn't he? c. aren't they? d. don't they?

10. Your friend Johnny'd never liked Harris until he met him and found out he was a nice guy after all, a. had he? b. didn't he? c. wasn't he? d. would he?

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