Muistilista, elokuu 2022


- Latvia 3.10 - 7.10
> Kirsi, Johanna + neljä opiskelijaa
> bussi/lentokone?
> majoitus

Ranska 14.11 - 18.11 > Ketkä lähtevät?
Polynesia 24.4 - 28.4 > Virpi + ? 

Opiskelijoita projektissa mukana 9. (Silja S. ?). Tapaaminen opiskelijoiden kanssa!

Fil rouge de l'année / Thread of the year

Identity card of a good climate citizen

10 commandments of a good citizen);

Presentation of actions carried out jointly with schools outside the EU. Videoconferences with them whenever possible


Que fait l’industrie pour le climat ? télétravail, open space, voiture électrique, etc.

What is industry doing for the climate? teleworking, open spaces, electric cars, etc.

Deux pôles / Two poles

  • Employeurs pour les employés (avec un impact positif sur l’environnement) ;
  • Les industries pour réduire leurs impacts sur le climat et l’environnement.  
  • Employers for employees (with a positive impact on the environment);
  • Industries to reduce their impact on the climate and the environment.

Each country should find a company with a positive impact (in the form of a podcast with a kind of web radio?).

On site: to propose a Black Council on the theme of work What ????? To think about! If you have any ideas

What else can we do?


Concrete project in school, city, home, extracurricular activity,

(3 - 4 concrete projects/challenges) to raise awareness among others...

At the end of the day, the project has to be realised/achievable.

Prepare a "book or triptych" on the same model (e.g. the theme, a presentation of the pupil or group of pupils, next page: the presentation of the project and the challenges).

Establishment of a virtual meeting place ????

Reflections and proposals of the young people of the World Youth Parliament of the partnership to be addressed to the authorities in each country and at the level of international structures 

Make an inventory: who does what to whom? käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä