

Saturday 17.2. 

On Saturday our trip begins. We drove to Helsinki airport by bus. The bus left Forssa at 19.00 in the evening, and we had to say goodbye to our families for a week. The bus drive went fast and soon we were in Helsinki. When we arrived, we just went to sing in the hotel. Some of us went to get some food to eat and some of us went straight to sleep.  


Sunday 18.2. 

On Sunday we had to wake up early, because our plane departed at six o'clock in the morning. We went to drop our bags and after that there was a security check. Everything went well and we went to eat breakfast in a cafe. Then we had to go to the gate and leave cold Finland behind us. The flight went also well and sooner than we realized, we had arrived at Malaga. From Malaga we still had a buss drive to Andujar. The buss drive was 2-3 hours, and after that we got to meet our host families. The evening, we just were at homes and went to eat tapas with the hole group. 


Monday 19.2. 

On Monday our day started at 9.15 at the school, but we went to the school already at 8.15, because our hosts had school. Before Monday's activities we were asked to join English class, where the students could ask us questions about us and Finland in general. Then at 9.15 we were welcomed by the Headmaster of IES Jándula. After that we were sorted into groups where we had icebreaking activity and then we had breakfast time: churros. After breakfast we went on a city tour and visited the Town Hall, where we were welcomed by the Mayor. Then our bus left at 12.45 to “El Encinarejo” in Sierra de Andújar Natural Park. When we arrived at the Natural Park, we had a picnic and walked around the Natural Park and saw beautiful views. Next our bus went from the Natural Park to Paintball Andújar. Time passed quickly and it was time to head back and have dinner with the host family. 

Tuesday 20.2. 

On Tuesday after arriving to the school we separated into groups to make presentations about the topics of the Erasmus project. The groups had both Finnish and Spanish students in them. We were given instructions how to make the presentations and we started making them at school spending couple hours to it. After starting the presentations, we were given a tour around the school by the Spanish students and we saw the classrooms of different subjects and the school yard. After the tour we ate at the school cafeteria. We ate Paella what is a traditional Spanish dish. When we were finished with the food, we returned to the school library to continue the presentations and after that we got into a bus that took us to Córdoba to the castle Almodóvar del Río. When we arrived to the castle, we walked up to the castle that was located on the hill and we were given a guided tour around the castle. As an example, we were told by the guide that the castle was used to film some scenes of Game of Thrones. After the tour we got back to the bus and travelled back to Andujár, and we returned to the host families to have dinner with them and get rest for the next day. 


Wednesday 21.2. 
On Wednesday, our bus left Andujar at 8 am to Granada. We arrived approximately at around 10 am. From there we would walk to Granada’s pride, Alhambra. Alhambra is a beautiful old palace complex aswell as one of the best-preserved palaces of the historic Islamic world. It was breathtaking. We had a guided tour around some of the parts of the complex, and afterwards we visited the tourist shop. After the tour, we were allowed to go to eat freely to a restaurant of our own choice. Obviously, students split up. After that we wanted to go shopping and roam around the town. Then the teachers guided us to a point lookout with fascinating views to Alhambra and some mountains. Last but not least we visited Costa Jump, which was a typical trampoline park. Our bus ended up leaving at 7 pm back to Andujar. 

Thursday 22.2. 

Our day started at the school. We made presentations and ate a typical Andalusian breakfast consisting of white bread with olive oil, tomato paste, ham, and a refreshing juice box. Then we finished the E-book and performed the presentations. Later, some Spanish students showed us fascinating physics experiments. Then all the students left with their hosts and had free time until 8PM when we had to meet at school. At 8.30 PM we received our certifications and then we had farewell dinner. After eating, filling a big poster and interacting with each other we returned home because we had an early morning next day.  


Friday 23.2. 

On Friday, our trip ended. Our bus left Andujar at 6.00 and we arrived Malaga’s Airport at 8.30. We went to drop off our baggage and then went to the security check. The security check took long due to a large crowd of people. After the security check we had a little time for the last shopping. Our flight to Finland was 20 minutes late and finally started at 11.25. The flight went well. We landed to Helsinki-Vantaa Airport at 16.45. The bus picked us up and drove to Forssan Yhteislyseo. Our families were waiting for us, and we had to say goodbye to each other and be grateful for the trip. 



Behm Laura -  Diego Fuentes Bollero
Järveläinen Anni - Irene Cano Muñoz
Kääriäinen Laia - Lucía Contreras López
Laakso Peppi - Javier Vega Pulido
Mattila Adele - Lucía Burrueco Vacas
Ngo Dang The Hung (Chin) - Manuel Jesús Muñoz Samblás
Sulonen Rebekka - Carmen Medina Correa
Syrjälä Erica -Alba María Salas Granero
Kiiskinen Nella Rosa (Nela) - Andrea Ruiz Fernández käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä