ENA3C schedule

28.11 Thursday: introduction and SHOWING DETAILS.ppt. Give description on Great Gatsby. Write two sentences on classroom. Go over them. 
29.11 Friday.NO CLASS
Hand out the Fall of the House of Usherand read it for homework.

3.12 Tuesday: Vocab. level D Unit 11, explain descriptive, Go over descriptive passages in the first 8 pages of Fall of the House of Usher
5.12 Thursday: Class for 45 minutes (11-11.45): Hand back restaurant review and underline the setting, how the food is described, etc.

Grammar p. 106-109
Independence Day celebration.
6.12 Friday:  No school

10.12 Tuesday: Discuss restaurant review. Write description in class.

12.12 Thursday: Descriptive first draft is due (200 words)
Discuss the Fall of the House of Usher (Do a worksheet which compensates for the quiz but if you don't do it, you take the quiz on 13.12)

13.12 Friday: Vocab level D Unit 12, grammar 110-115 (all exercises)
Quiz on the Fall of the House of Usher. Hand out a Good Man is Hard to Find

17.12 Tuesday: Divine Service at 9 am
19.12 Thursday:  CLASS. . Explain narrative. Second draft of descriptive due. Discuss A Good Man is Hard to Find 
20.12 Friday NO SCHOOL


7.1 Tuesday: Work on Narrative (No class)
9.1 Thursday: Work on descriptive 3rd draft
10.1 Friday Vocab level D Unit 13 Descriptive 3rd draft is due Grammar 116-130

The Life you Save may be your own

14.1 TuesdayNarrative first draft is due (500 words) . Discuss the compare and contrast essay: 5 paragraph essay/ thesis statement, etc. Analyze A Good Man is Hard to Find. Just go over Misfit with Dimi, Marlo, Erika and Setareh
16.1 Thursday: continue analyzing the story and start The Life you save may be your own. Stop "They wasn't as advanced as we are," the old woman said.
17.1 Friday Vocab level D Unit 14, 131-144 (Give out compare and contrast handouts and thesis handout), go over handouts, talk about compare and contrast and start reading the story by Mark Twain.

Story: Desirée's baby and Mark Twain A True Story, Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It

21.1 Tuesday: Discussed the Life you Save may be your own
23.1 Thursday. Finish going over thThe Life You Save May be your Own PPT.pptm Work on Compare and contrast. Show possible themes as in AS level. Show example essay

Information on O'Connor and themes
24.1 Friday Vocab level D Unit 15, Grammar 145-157 and review. Discuss relative pronouns.
28.1 Tuesday: Grammar test p. 106-157. Second draft narrative due

30.1 EXAM: First and only compare and contrast story is due. No need to come if all your work is complete.



the Fall of the House of Usher
A Good Man is Hard to Find 
The Life you Save may be your own
Mark Twain A True Story, Repeated Word for Word as I Heard It
Desirée's baby (from ENA1)
or others from ENA1 https://peda.net/ek/high-school/ena1/ena1/class-plan-ena1a

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