

A proposal for a National Competency Framework for Career Professionals

This publication is a response to the need presented in the Finnish National Strategy for Lifelong Guidance 2020–2023 (Valtioneuvosto, 2020) to prepare national competence descriptions for the field of guidance. The publication is based on a literature review and co-creation process involving several hundred guidance professionals and experts from all over Finland. Based on the competency framework, Kettunen et al. (2023) have developed assessment forms for career professionals and organisations. The project behind the competency framework development is described in detail in a separate report (Vuorinen et al., 2023). The competency framework proposal has been prepared as part of a national development project for lifelong guidance which is funded by the EU's Recovery and Resilience Facility and coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Employment, and the Development and Administrative Services Centre (KEHA Centre).

Vuorinen, R., Kasurinen, H., Kettunen, J., Kukkaneva, E., Ruusuvirta-Uuksulainen, O. (2024). A proposal for a National Competency Framework for Career Professionals. Finnish Institute for Educational Research Reports and Working Papers 6. University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research. URN: URN:ISBN:978-951-39-9817-2

National Competency Framework for Career Professionals: Assessment Forms

This publication contains assessment forms designated to enable guidance professionals, teams, multidisciplinary networks, and organisations to assess their guidance competencies effectively. The forms are based on and complement the National Competency Framework for Career Professionals (Vuorinen, Kasurinen, Kettunen et al., 2023, 2024). The competency framework has been prepared as part of a national development project for lifelong guidance, which is funded by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility and coordinated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and the Development and Administrative Services Centre (KEHA Centre)

Kettunen, J., Vuorinen, R., Kasurinen, H., Kukkaneva, E. & Ruusuvirta-Uuksulainen, O. (2024). National Competency Framework for Career Professionals : Assessment Forms. Finnish Institute for Educational Research Reports and Working Papers.9. University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research. URN: URN:ISBN:978-951-39-9928-5