Raudaskoski school

Raudaskoski school

Raudaskoski school is one of Ylivieska’s 10 primary schools.
It is located about 15 kilometers from the city center.
We have great possibilities for outdoor activities right next to school and the nature is near.
Wellbeing of the pupils and the staff is our goal every day.
There are about 120 pupils in our school from pre-school to 6th grade. We also have three
small groups in Raudaskoski; special support class called ’pesäluokka’ and two intensified
support groups called ’etuluokka’.
In our school we have 7 class teachers, three special education class teachers and one part�time special needs teacher. We also have five school assistants and our three family workers
work in small groups.
We have an active parent’s council and co-operation between school and parents is fluent