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English blog

Where do I need English outside of school?

I need english outside school? Well there is many things that I already have in my mind but heres some things why you need english outside of school. Num 1. 1.5 billion people talk english in this world and its quite alot. If theres 8 billion people in world 1.5 billion of them talk english. Wich makes it top 2 most talked language in world.Num 2.pecaus of the fact that english is one of the most talkd language in the world, means that u need it in your evryday life! in grocery store, most of the things are spelled on english, and in internet almost evrything nowdays are spelled on english, like on yt, instagram, twitter and tiktok! And I personaly talk and read english evryday like 3h! So im lost if I forget how to talk english! But here was couple thing why you need english outside of school!

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