
This course aims at activating you, the student, into taking more responsibility of your own learning. The course consists of four different units, which in turn consist of 1) things that everyone needs to do and 2) things that are meant for those who progress faster. If at any time you feel at a loss for things to do, go to point number two. :)

The main material needed during the course is the book. Most of the extra material needed during the course can be found on the UNIT sub-pages. You will mostly be working at your own pace, and I strongly suggest that you do so with a friend that you're on the same page with (no pun intended). We will, however, do some group exercises and pronunciation (yay! boxing!) together. The materials can be accessed through the menu on the left. (Through the navigation menu, if using a smart phone)

After every unit we will have a test on the need-to-do things.

Audio material (key texts and exercises) for the course can be found by following this link. For the link to work, you need to be signed into Sanomapro.fi. You also need a join code for the work space. It's PLA6.

Exercises can be checked at your own pace on the photo copies posted in the classroom.

And remember, if you don't understand something, ASK! The teacher is there to help you on your way.

Kuvahaun tulos haulle there are no stupid questions south park

The course outline is as follows:

Unit 1:

Need-to-do: TOPIC 1 The Martian, Grammar: relative pronouns + Topic 3: Theme Vocabulary
Extras: TOPICS 2 & 4

***Listening comprehension on the 15th of February***

TEST 1: 19th of February

Unit 2:

Need-to-do: TOPIC 5 Our mysterious world + Grammar: Shortened clauses + Topic 7: Theme vocabulary
Extras: TOPICS 6 & 8

TEST 2: 28th of February

***Listening comprehension on the 1st of March***

Unit 3:

Need-to-do: TOPIC 9 Inventive women + Grammar: Singular and plural & Numerals
Extras: TOPICS 10 & 12

TEST 3: 19th of March

Unit 4:

Need-to-do: TOPIC 13 Food for thought (Co-operative learning) + Grammar: Noun + preposition
Extras: TOPICS 14 & 16

TEST 4: 28th of March

We will not have an exam during the final week. Instead, you will book a time with me to discuss the course and your grade. More on this at the end of the course.

Peda.net käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. Peda.net ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä