How to measure the quality of marketing?

How to measure the quality of marketing?

What metrics to measure and how to evaluate the quality of marketing? Is it possible to evaluate the quality of a company's marketing only by sales indicators?

So the goal of marketing is a satisfied customer . Sales revenue, brand awareness, brand awareness, business owner and reseller satisfaction are just a consequence of customer satisfaction. The better the customers are satisfied, the higher the revenue and the better other indicators and metrics. So satisfaction is an indicator of quality? But this is not an absolute and not a digital value! How to measure it? If you want to learn more about check the person, follow the link.

Assessing satisfaction

According to the definition, the quality of marketing of any company is determined by the qualitative and quantitative parameters of satisfaction. In psychology, satisfaction is interpreted as a person's awareness that he has achieved the desired goal, which is expressed in a special state of a person. In marketing, satisfaction is seen as the degree to which what a person received corresponds to what he originally expected. Accordingly, whether the consumer received or did not receive what he expected is the criterion for the quality of marketing.

Quality of Direct Selling Marketing

There are several methods for assessing satisfaction:

  • score;
  • assessment based on M. Fishbein's multi-attribute model;
  • calculation of the customer satisfaction index (CSI)

The scoring method is the simplest. It is based on a survey of consumers who have committed a particular action in relation to the brand, product or their owner. During the survey, they are asked to evaluate the level of satisfaction in points.







Rather disappointed.

Doesn't matter

Rather satisfied


This method is simple, but allows you to evaluate satisfaction with only one of the indicators of your integrated marketing: product, after-sales service, quality of information, communication.

The most complete and accurate quality of marketing can be assessed by the correspondence of the marketing mix (4P) to the views of consumers on it. In this case, satisfaction should be assessed: with the price, place and method of purchase, quality of communication during promotion, etc. Each of the marketing quality indicators has a different effect on the overall satisfaction of consumers, therefore, the M. Fishbein model is used for weighing (more on this another time and in more detail).

An even more accurate assessment of the quality of marketing and how satisfied consumers are with the company's products and services as a whole can be measured by the CSI satisfaction index (Customer satisfaction index). The methodology also consists in surveying consumers and scoring their satisfaction according to a number of important parameters for them, which the company considers important for itself. Interested in real estate directory, follow the link to find out more.

The quality of indirect (indirect) marketing

Most likely, marketing professionals who work directly with consumers in the B2C market, HoReCa, in corporate sales, in B2B, understand well how to evaluate the quality of marketing by consumer satisfaction.

It is more difficult for those marketers who work with consumers through a system of intermediaries - a marketing channel. The complexity of assessing the quality of marketing is not even that the seller does not have direct contact with those who consume goods and services - in this case, nothing prevents them from communicating with a loyal audience directly through client groups of adherents, social networks, direct marketing events.

The difficulty is that consumer satisfaction, and hence the quality of marketing, is also affected by the satisfaction of all players in the marketing channel, which means that, in addition to consumer satisfaction, the quality of marketing in distribution, at points of sale, will also have to be assessed. The assessment methodology is the same, but with specifics only in the questions asked, but not in the assessment methods.

Consequence of customer satisfaction, we continue to evaluate the quality of marketing

The consequence of customer satisfaction is, obviously:

  • growth of sales indicators (the task of marketing is to make sales efforts unnecessary): qualitative and quantitative indicators of sales;
  • Customer Relationship Life Cycle – LifeTime Value (LTV);
  • and the quality of communication of consumers and intermediaries with the subject of marketing: recognition, memorability and loyalty, coverage (for mass marketing).
  • market competitiveness (market share, indicators of market presence).

Is it possible to accurately assess the quality of marketing by these indirect indicators? No you can not! The fact is that

  1. Revenue growth can be, say, the result of simultaneous factors: marketing activity and the growth of seasonal demand.
  2. The growth of market share can be facilitated by the mistakes of competitors or the actions of government regulators.
  3. The growth in the number of transactions can be ensured by the influence of one of the elements of the marketing mix. A sell-off at a low price of a product can lead to increased sales figures, but equally, it can lead to increased consumer dissatisfaction. That is why everything is against the sale of illiquid assets, marriage, and so on. no one needs.
  4. Brand recognition can be ensured, say, by the regularity of public scandals in which, one way or another, the brand, goods produced under its name, or the owner of the brand are involved.
  5. Brand loyalty does not mean that there is a demand for certain goods and services produced under this name.

The lack of feedback from consumers does not make it clear whether there will be repeat sales and how the quality of marketing will prevent product returns and refusals from incompletely closed deals. To finally finish off the skeptics, I will quote one statement:

About integrated marketing

Marketing is a series of systemic processes aimed at the successful promotion of the marketing object. This is a set of controllable market variables, their accounting, the impact on them to better satisfy consumers. that is why success in one thing does not guarantee the success of marketing in general. Eg:

  1. An increase in the number of checks with a promoted product, as a result of a marketing campaign, can easily turn into a shortage of goods and a decrease in loyalty to the subject of marketing, simply because the marketing department has incorrectly calculated the change in demand.
  2. A decrease in prices for goods may have a negative impact on the attitude towards the goods in the distribution, and the program to stimulate buyers of distributors does not at all imply an increase in the resulting interest in the goods from sellers in stores.
  3. Qualitatively performed individual work, the quality of marketing management is not at all identical to the quality of the "4P" marketing complex with the right hit "in the price", "on the shelf", "in the mind of the consumer".

Quality of marketing management

Of course, one should not confuse the quality of the final result obtained - customer satisfaction and the quality of individual processes, the quality of the performance of their work by individuals, the quality of management in the company. The timeliness of holding actions, the achievement of certain planned indicators, the approval of managers - this has nothing to do with the quality of marketing.

Quality marketing and quality marketing management of the company are different results.

If you came up with a quality product, brought it to the consumer, and the sellers of your company do not know how to "close deals" or are so incompetent that customers run away from them like scalded, then your separately standing quality marketing management is useless to consumers. If, nevertheless, the sellers successfully sold, but here is the delivery service obs messed up something, it can seriously affect customer satisfaction and nullify all your marketing.

Quality of management in certain areas

Although marketing management is a complex work with the market, each of the managers in the marketing department is responsible for their own direction:

  • product
  • promotion
  • price
  • place

The quality of marketing management can be indirectly assessed by the cumulative impact on the market: the growth of sales indicators and the quality of communications (see above). However, it is rather difficult to adequately evaluate the quality of a separate management network based on the final result of the work of all employees. Therefore, the quality of work in each of the areas must be assessed separately.

The quality of the product is the conformity of the product with the expectations of consumers, which they will formulate, in relation to this product, in personal, group qualitative interviews. The assessment of the conformity of the declared quality with the consumers' understanding of quality is checked by the same methods as described above. It should only be noted that "consumer quality" is a combination of product quality, packaging, labeling and information, ease of use and storage, and so on.

The quality of the promotion is defined as the change in indicators of knowledge, attitude to the subject of marketing and loyalty over the period and (or) as a result of the campaign.

Correspondence of prices with market realities, correlation of prices with prices for goods of competitors and the elasticity curve of demand are indicators of the quality of pricing

Place quality is the level of availability of goods and services for consumers, assessed by indicators:

  • quality of the distribution system - indicators of qualitative and quantitative distribution
  • presence on the shelf (in the price list) - the number of faces and SKUs, the length of the shelf, the area under the goods, etc.
  • ease of purchase - the time spent on the operation, the number of places of purchase, the number of operations for the purchase;
  • continuity of the distribution system - continuity of supply, overstock, out-of-stock, etc.
  • other

About quality work and bad marketing as a result

A wonderful job by one of the marketing people does not at all imply the quality of the company's marketing. Is it too easy to understand and banal? Are you sure? But crowds of people do not understand that:

  1. Admiration for the talent of a writer of texts does not oblige you to buy a product at all. But after all, manysome shit believe in "selling texts"?!
  2. The quality of printing corporate booklets, even indirectly, cannot serve to satisfy consumers with low-quality goods and services.
  3. The number of clicks on online advertising banners and the growth of CTRs do not at all oblige consumers to be satisfied with customer service and value for money.
  4. An avalanche-like growth in quantitative distribution, equally, can lead to both an increase in revenue and an increase in receivables and returns of expired goods.

In other words, the quality of individual marketing management cannot determine the quality of integrated work and guarantee customer satisfaction.

This must be understood!

A marketer is only one who is responsible for marketing, and not for individual processes

If, performing a specific job, a specialist working in the marketing department does not understand how his work in numbers affects consumer satisfaction with goods and services, then such a specialist can hardly be called a marketer. Colleagues, the air conditioner that hangs on the wall also does a good job, but you can’t call him a marketer, just because he works in the marketing department. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä