The common questionnaire

The common questionnaire for students

The school wants to know how you feel about studying and learning. Please, reply and give us your thoughts.


How do you learn best? The following are different ways of learning. Choose the options that suit you the best

1.Learning by working independently without teacher saying what to do next (for example working with instructions, or having a task to achieve)

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly


2.Learning by working individually

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly


3.Learning by doing, for example through making some research (projects)?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly





4. Learning by doing groupwork?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

5. Learning just by listening to the teacher?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly


6. Learning by taking notes and making mind maps ?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

7. Learning by playing learning games (such as boardgames or Quizlet, Kahoot (all the schools the names of the games that you have used)

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly



8. Learning by making a presentation alone?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

9. Learning in some other way, what?




What kind of learning motivates you most?


10. Learning by working independently without teacher saying what to do next (for example working with instructions, or having a task to achieve)

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly


11. Learning by working individually

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly





12. Learning by doing, for example through making some research (projects)?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly


13. Learning by doing groupwork?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

14. Learning just by listening to the teacher?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

15. Learning by taking notes and making mind maps ?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly




16. Learning by playing learning games (such as boardgames or Quizlet, Kahoot (all the schools the names of the games that you have used)

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

17. Learning by making a presentation alone?

  1. a) excellent
  2. b) well
  3. c) moderate
  4. d) badly

18. Learning in some other way, what?




Some extra questions about learning

What has been your best learning experience at school?


Please, give an example of a useful lesson or activity that you remember (describe also why)


What will be a “dream come true” lesson for you? Describe the lesson in a few words



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