Materials and projects

U6 / U7 Growth mindset vs fixed mindset

Miten asenne vaikuttaa oppimiseen?
Kuullunymmärrysharjoitus + oppimisstrategiat + oma kirjallinen tuottaminen englanniksi

Discuss with your partner or write to your notebook:
1. Read first what is meant by "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset". How would you translate the words into Finnish?
2. Which one describes you at the moment? Do you think people change their mindset over time? Why or why not?

  • A fixed mindset is a way of thinking in which a learner believes that each person has a fixed amount of intelligence or talent. They believe that some people are naturally good at certain subjects, and other people are not. The aim of schoolwork, in their view, might be to identify who is 'clever' and 'talented' and who is not.
  • A growth mindset, in contrast, is a way of thinking in which a learner believes that the brain can develop and increase its abilities and intelligence. A learner with a growth mindset knows that effort and finding a useful approach to a task will allow them to be successful. They believe that challenges will help their abilities grow. They see mistakes as opportunities for learning, and obstacles as something to be overcome.
Source: EF Class: Growth mindset

3. Video + writing task

1. Choose one video from below The power of grit OR The power of believing you can improve
3. Watch it again (with subtitles if needed) and make notes to your notebook. Write down in Finnish or in English 3-5 things that are the main points in your opinion.
4. Kirjoita vihkoon seuraavista asioista englanniksi: 

- Kirjoita omin sanoin ensin, mitä video käsitteli (poimimasi tärkeimmät asiat)
- Sen jälkeen kirjoita, mitä ajatuksia video sinussa herätti.
- Mikä jäi mietityttämään? Oivalsitko jotain uutta?
- Oletko samaa mieltä vai kenties eri mieltä puhujan kanssa ja miksi.

Survival 35-50 words
Standard 50-70 words
Specialist 70-100 words

The power of grit
Leaving a high-flying job in consulting, Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders in a New York public school. She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. Here, she explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success.

The power of believing you can improve
Carol Dweck researches “growth mindset” — the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In this talk, she describes two ways to think about a problem that’s slightly too hard for you to solve. Are you not smart enough to solve it … or have you just not solved it yet?


U4 Africa rising

A famous South-African: Nelson Mandela 
The movie Invictus brings an epic story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) joined forces with the captain of South Africa's rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon), to help unite their country.
1. Watch the trailer. Click the subtitles on if needed! Check out the whole movie when you have free time :)
Then choose task A or B:

A. Online task using EF Class website: South Africa in the 21st century.
- Grab a laptop and go to Create an account using your O365 user name and password ( + sama salasana kuin koulun koneelle). Ask the teacher for the class code so that you can join the online lesson :).

B. Answer the questions based on what you know and what you'll find out from the text behind this link

U5/U9 Don't kill the whale!



1. Have a look at the picture: what comes to your mind when you look at the picture? Write down at least 5-10 things to your notebook in English: verbs, adjectives, nouns, anything!
*Discuss with your partner for 2 minutes in English. 

2. Watch and listen the introduction video about Sea Shepherd organization: 


3. Have a look at the Sea Shepherd Society web page
. First, think of what the web page is about in your opinion – have a look at the pictures too.
Then, answer these questions to your notebook:

  1. What is the goal of this organization? (Read Who we are – Mission statement)
  2. What does the name Sea Shepherd mean in your opinion? How would you translate it into Finnish?
  3. What kind of measures (keinoja) does Sea Shepherd use when protecting marine life? 
  4. What other environmental organizations (luonnonsuojelujärjestö) do you know?
  5. How can you protect the environment? For example, think about the things you buy, eat and how you move from one place to another.
  6. The sea has a huge impact on human well-being. What do you know about the condition of the Baltic Sea? What are the biggest threats to the Baltic sea at the moment?
  7. Why should we protect the Baltic Sea? What can you do to save the oceans?


U9 An e-mail to the Minister of Environment


Watch the film Before the flood from Netflix. After watching the film Before the flood, write a letter to the Minister of Environment. You are a worried about the climate change and how it will affect your future. Write at least 50-75 words. Include at least these four points in your letter:

- Tell him why you are writing and what you learned from the film Before the Flood and how it made you feel.

-Tell him about your favourite (or the most important) one or two examples of climate change and what we need to do to stop climate change.

- Give examples, if you can, as to what he and his colleagues could do to make better climate policy in Finland in your opinion. Remember to justify your opinions.

-In addition, tell him what you plan to do to make change based on what you learned from the movie.

 Be sure to include the salutation (greeting and closing)

Dear Mr. Tiilikainen,

I’m writing to you about…

Yours sincerely / Best regards

Your name

 Min 50-75 words

Film synopsis + questions 

Unit 6 The future of work: how to write a CV (ansioluettelo)

When you apply for a job, you need to have a resumé or CV (Curriculum vitae, ansioluettelo). You only get one chance to make a first impression, so creating a killer CV will enhance your prospects of getting your dream job!

1. Have a look at different ways of creating a CV. Read the template first (below) and google some examples online.
cv malli.docx
2. There are various ways of making a CV, choose a style that best fits the job you are applying for. Have a look at Samantha's video CV. She is applying for a job in the media industry.

3. Write your CV to your notebook, use a Word template, or a piece of paper. If you want, create your own CV using a ready made Prezi template
4. When you're done, let your friend read your CV and correct any spelling mistakes or typos. Your CV is also a way to show you know how to use English language!

Extra project: Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Douglas Adams: A hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 
"The last ever dolphin message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the ‘Star Spangled Banner’, but in fact the message was this: So long and thanks for all the fish."

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a a comedy science fiction series by Douglas Adams.The broad narrative of Hitchhiker follows the misadventures of the last surviving man, Arthur Dent, following the demolition of the planet Earth by a Vogon constructor fleet to make way for a hyperspace bypass. Dent is rescued from Earth's destruction by Ford Prefect, a human-like alien writer for the eccentric, electronic travel guide The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by hitchhiking onto a passing Vogon spacecraft. Following his rescue, Dent explores the galaxy with Prefect and encounters Trillian, another human that had been taken from Earth prior to its destruction by the President of the Galaxy, the two-headed Zaphod Beeblebrox, and the depressed Marvin, the Paranoid Android. Certain narrative details were changed between the various adaptations. 

1. Listen to the story or read it at your own pace. Make notes of words and expressions new to you and find out their meaninng from the dictionary.
Listening and reading
2. Once you've read/listened to the first chapters, you can try this this game that requires some knowledge about the story and puzzle solving mindset! Play if you can


  1. First read the questions below.
  2. Then watch the short documentary about Halloween and then answer the questions either orally with your partner or to your notebook in English.


  1. Where did the tradition of Halloween come from?
  2. What was “Samhain”(pronounced /ˈsɑːwɪn/) and when was it celebrated?
  3. How did the catholic church influence the historic Halloween?
  4. What do the Celtic Samhain and All Saints Eve have in common?
  5. What does “hallow” mean?
  6. How and when did Halloween land to America?
  7. What kind of pranks did the pranksters do back then?
  8. What happened in the 1930s?
  9. What kind of prank was trick-or-treating in those times?

Love letters to strangers

Hannah Brencher's mother always wrote her letters. So when she felt herself bottom into depression after college, she did what felt natural -- she wrote love letters and left them for strangers to find. The act has become a global initiative, The World Needs More Love Letters, which rushes handwritten letters to those in need of a boost.

TASK 1 Love letters to strangers
Watch her TED talk and answer in English to the following questions. You can discuss the questions in English with your parter or write your answers to your notebook.

1. Have you ever received a love letter from someone or written one?
2. Why did Hannah start writing love letters to strangers?
3. How can letter writing help people?
4. Would you write a love letter to a stranger who was in need of a boost? If you answer no, justify.

TASK 2 Request for love letters
Check out love letter requests from Hannah's web page and pick one request you would like to answer. Write a love letter to him/her in English. If you want to, you can send it too!

Peace & Love!