Erasmus+ FIT school children from Finland, Slovakia and Czech Republic

Erasmus+ KA2 project for years 2015-2017 Fit School Children from Finland, Slovakia and Czech Republic

Project aim was to learn and use healthy European life habits together; healthy food, sports, studying and social life spiced with different cultures from Finland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Teachers are worried that modern digitalisation make children play more and more computer games and spent their time inside. In this project tried to make children to find joy of different kind of sports. Fast food is nowadays available for children cheap and easy. In this project we aimed to teach Children how to make healthy food and find that healthy food can be easy to make and taste good. Playing Computer games can be social but still being together with other young people in different activities like sports, dancing, drama, making food and math workshops are important for social life.

Meeting in Koli, Finland 18.9 -23.9.2016

Sunday 18.9.

Children and adults from Czech Republic and Slovakia arrived at Finland late Sunday evening.

Travelling was by plane to Helsinki and train from Helsinki airport to Joensuu and from there trip continued by bus to Koli.

Finnish host families accommodated children and teachers were near cabins by the Pielinen lake.

In picture Koli school late night.

Monday 19.9

At morning we had sport activity: we hiked in national park by nature path 2, 5 kilometers uphill from school to Ukkokoli hill 342m from sea level. Trip was short but quite challenging route. After lunch we visited nature center Ukko to explore Koli hills geological and natural history. Hiking downhill back to school was quite easy and quick.

In picture hiking in Nartional park

We ate healthy salmon soup lunch in Koli hotel landscape restaurant. Fish is typical Finnish healthy food. We have fish for school lunch once in every week. For our guest it was new experience that soup can be maincourse. In czech and Slovakia soup is usually starter before main course.

In picture salmonsoup lunch at Koli Sokos hotel.

In picture view from Ukkokoli highest place 342 from sea level.

Afternoon we spent at school Workshops in Koli School. Sports workshop was Finnish baseball and Mathematics workshops were tangram problem and Hilbert hotel problem

Dinner was healthy outdoor food. Sausages and mixed green salad and potato salad. In food workshop every one grilled their own sausages in fire at school yard.

Tuesday 20.9.

At morning we went by bus from Koli to Vuoniskylien School (1 hour).

There was Cross country running competition in Vuoniskylien school. Children from Lieksa schools were competing. Guests from Czech Republic and Slovakia were also taking part. Press was there and we got our international runners’ picture in local newspaper.

From running competition we went to Ruunaa rapids for Wood Boat rafting. We rafted about 30 kilometers down the Lieksa stream and got quite wet.

Evening at schoolpupils had Disco – we danced traditional and modern dances. Teachers had coordinator meeting at evening to discus about project details.

Wednesday 21.9

At morning we take bus trip to Joensuu Treetop adventure park ( and climbed with ropes in tree tops. Some also tried a little bit archery

Lunch we had in university of Joensuu. From there we went to Botania botanical butterfly garden. There are beautiful tropical plants and butterflies.

After that we had some sigthseeing and shopping time in Joensuu city centre

In evening at school we had food workshops – we made and ate traditional Finnish Karelian pies.

Teachers had coordinator meeting at evening and discussed and agreed about details of the project.

Thursday 22.9

At morning we went by bus to Lieksa city hall and all met Mayor Jarkko Määttänen. Next city hall was Rantala school, Koli school regional headmasters main school. Some pupils from Rantala introduced school for us and we had lunch there.

In Lieksa we also visited in outdoor Museum and saw how Finnish people used to live simple life in wood cottages.

At evening we had Erasmus Party at Koli village house for school pupils, teachers, families, villagers and press. Our headmaster introduced our Erasmus project for public. We performance international music, dances and dramas. There was story afterwards in local news paper.

Friday 23.9

At morning we went to didactic path in Koli national park. Path was about past time farming in Koli: slash and burn was growing technique for rye and turnips.

Afternoon we had swimming sport activity in Koli Spa. Koli Lotus spa located is only couple of kilometers
from Koli school.

Last activity for evening was media workshops at Koli School. We played domino game, when your domino card fit in game you got interweaved by teachers in English about the week events.

Then we all evaluated activities of the week. Evaluation was grades were 1-5 (1 I did't like it at all, 2 it wasn't so nice, 3 it was OK, 4 it was fun and 5 it was super). Most points 4,9 got Treetop adventure park climping sports and also Koli spa swimming activity got 4,8 points and rafting in Ruunaan rapids got 4,7 points. Pupils mentioned in interviews that they got new friends and liked sport activities.

Saturday 24.9.

Early at morning we said farewells to each other and our guest went to long journey to home. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä