In English

Laukaa Upper Secondary School– wide-ranging and up-to-date curriculum, nearby

Laukaa Upper Secondary School is an innovative Finnish upper secondary school located in the municipality of Laukaa in central Finland. We have about 260 students aged between 16-19, and we offer them yearly a wide range of courses, and good knowledge to pass the national school leaving exams.

Being international in everything

- In addition to Finnish, we offer studies of English, Swedish, Spanish, French, German, Russian.
- We create and maintain international relationships, and have a lot of international projects (for example with Germany, CERN, Tasmania…)
- We invite guests and organize different kinds of international events at our school.
Upper Secondary School is much more than just studying!
- We have an active student council and mentoring program.
- Our students organize lots of events, e.g. sports day, students' union day, dances by the oldest students, and traditional school leavers' festivities
- When our students have free lessons, they can use the school gym for free. Classrooms, if not in use, are also for free use.

Coming up in school year

- Our traditional feasts and happenings: Activities for the first graders to get to know each other, the student union day, dances by the oldest, traditional school leavers' festivities and a lot more.

Student Council

Every student belongs to the student union at our school. Student council consists approximately of 10 members, who are from all three student age groups. The council's goal is to work for the benefit of the students.

The Student Council takes care/decides on the following:

- Organizing events for students such as Theme weeks, Operation Day's Work (a charity program by voluntary students) and all kinds of activity days.
- Takes care that the student issues reach the teachers' knowledge.
- Improves the students' chances to contribute to our school matters.
- Decides on the use of the students' lounge.
- Aims to work for the benefit of the school environment, and generally with the school issues.
- Takes care of the coffee/tea vending machine.
- The student council meets regularly a few times a month.
- 1 to 2 representative(s) of the student council participate(s) in the staff meetings in every period.


The main purpose of mentors is to give advice of school and studies at upper secondary school to new students. For example, if new students want to know how to get ready for the exam week, mentors can help them by talking about their experience. They can advise what you should do, or what you definitely shouldn’t. Mentors are just ordinary students, not perfect A-students, and they like to help others to get into studying. They also do marketing at our school.

On the very first school days, mentors organize different kinds of activities for the first year students e.g. getting to know each other with different games and activities. 

A few weeks after school has started, mentors and first year students have a special day to get to know each other. No schoolwork etc., only playing games and having fun.

During the rest of the year mentors visit ninth graders and future first year upper secondary school students in career counseling classes and tell about the studies at upper secondary school, the exam weeks etc.

How do upper secondary schools work in Finland?

General upper secondary education continues the teaching and educational tasks of basic education to students aged about 16–19. Upper secondary school takes normally 3 years. The general upper secondary school ends in the matriculation examination which gives eligibility for all higher education studies.
At an upper secondary school all the students have to take specific obligatory courses. In addition, students may choose extra courses. To get an upper secondary school diploma, everyone has to have at least 75 courses, but they can take more courses if they wish.
For further information on Finnish upper secondary schools, see the following käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä