
  • Data refers to the raw facts that do not have much meaning to the user and may include numbers, letters, symbols, sound or images.
  • Information refers to the meaningful output obtained after processing the data.
  • Data processing therefore refers to the process of transforming raw data into meaningful output i.e. information.
  • Data processing can be done manually using pen and paper. Mechanically using simple devices like typewriters or electronically using modern data processing tools such as computers.

    Data processing cycle

    • It refers to the sequence of activities involved in data transformation from its row form to information. it is often referred to as cycle because the output obtained can be stored after processing and may be used in future as input.
    • The four main stages of data processing cycle are:
      • Data collection
      • Data input
      • Data processing
      • Data output
  1. Data collection
  • Also referred to as data gathering or fact finding ,it involves looking for crucial facts needed for processing.

Methods of data collection

  • Include interviews; use of questionnaires, observation, most cases the data is collected after sampling.
  • Sampling is the process of selecting representative elements (e.g. people, organizations) from an entire group (population) of interest. Some of the tools that help in the data collection include source documents such as forms, data capture devices such as digital camera etc.

Stages of data collection

  • The process of data collection may involve a number of stages depending on the method used. These include:
    • Data creation: this is the process of identification and putting together facts in an organized format. This may be in the form of manually prepared document or captured from the source using a data capture device such as a barcode reader and be inputted easily in a computer.
    • Data preparation: this is the transcription (conversion) of data from source document to machine readable form. This may not be the case for all input devices. Data collected using devices that directly capture data in digital form do not require transcription.
    • Data transmission: this will depend on whether data need to be transmitted via communication media to the central office.
    1. Data input:
    • Refers to the process where the collected data is converted from human readable from to machine readable form (binary form). The conversion takes place in the input device.
    • Media conversion: data may need to be transmitted from one medium to another e.g. from a floppy disk to a computer’s hard disk for faster input.
    • Input validation: data entered into the computer is subjected to validity checks by a computer program before being processed to reduce errors as the input.
    • Sorting: in case the data needs to be arranged in a predefined order, it is first sorted before processing.
    1. Processing
    • This is the transformation of the input data by the CPU to a more meaningful output (information).Some of the operations performed on the data include calculations, comparing values and sorting.
    1. Output
    • The final activity in the data processing cycle is producing the desired output also referred to as information. This information can be distributed to the target group or stored for future use. Distribution is making information available to those who need it and is sometimes called information dissemination. This process of dissemination may involve electronic presentation over the radio or television, distribution of hard copies, broadcasting messages over the internet or mobile phones etc. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä