Workshop 3 - Työpaja 3

Cyberbullying - Nettikiusaaminen

TASK 1 (~5 minutes)

Form 4 groups.
When the groups are formed, each member introduces themselves to each other by saying their name and their favorite hobby or thing to do.

TASK 2 (~15 minutes)

Discuss the following questions in groups, about 3-5 minutes per question. The groups can use pen and paper to jot down their ideas. After a question has been discussed, the whole class will gather their answers together, and instructor will fill in the gaps, before moving onto the next question.

1. What is cyberbullying?
If the question seems difficult, you can think about the following questions:
  • On which platforms can cyberbullying happen?
  • What counts as cyberbullying?
  • Have you ever witnessed cyberbullying?

2. What can you do if you are being cyberbullied?

Material in English

For kids:

For teachers and parents:

Material in Finnish

For kids:

For teachers and parents:

TASK 3 (~10 minutes)

Each group is given ~10 paper slips. Each contains an action that is somewhat related to cyberbullying. The group has to place each item under "LEGAL" or "ILLEGAL". In the end the instructor reveals the correct answers (can ask the audience "how many think this is legal" before doing so) and the group can count how many they got right. The group with most correct answers gets applause!
Source material: käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä