
Argumentative essays here, please

Topic and instructions:

Stop fiddling with your phone and start talking!

Have people destroyed their ability to communicate by constantly fiddling with their smartphones? Write an argumentative essay discussing the issue from different points of view. Remember to give examples, perhaps drawing from your own experience.


Write 700-1300 characters (without spaces) on the topic above. Write your essay on Google Docs (online) and share the link (with editing rights) in this folder.
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Writing and giving a speech

1. Listen to the text "Why we don't vote"
2. Do exercise 2N
3. Choose one of the speech topics in exercise 2O
4. Visit the "how to write" section on SanomaPro online to check you've got your linking words and conjuctions right
5. Write your speech
6. Send your speech to me as an audio file (use voice recorder and send as an attachment) on WhatsApp, tel. 0443727569. Pay attention to your pronunciation and word & sentence stress! Remember to say your name at the beginning of your speech! You will receive feedback as an audio file as well.

DEADLINE for the audio files: Nov 5!