At the beginning

Meeting in Oulu November 2016

Erasmusplus -project Better Teaching, Better Learning
The aim of the project is to improve methods of teaching and assessment at high school level.

During our first meeting we got to know each other by team building and ice breaking activities planned by Liisa Vilppola, teacher of special needs. Headmaster Eija Kumpulainen had a presentation about our own school and also about the structure of Finnish school system. eTwinning ambassador Heikki Kontturi introduced us to using of eTwinning platform. Paula Vaskuri from Extension School of Oulu University told about DIYLab -project in Primary and Secondary schools.

The aim of the project is to improve our teaching in high school level by learning new kinds of teaching methods and using them in practice. We will also get to know each others´ curricula and school systems. We also find it important to assess the project and to motivate our students. Our students also told during the meetings what they thought  about different kinds of teaching and learning methods.

We decided to try DIY in practice in all partner schools and in different kinds of subjects. We also planned the schedule, the logo and different kinds of methods of assessment we will use during the project. This transnational meeting was quite short but our guests  had also some possibilities to familiarize themselves in Oulu: how dark it can be in November when there is no snow.