Joutsan Lukion kansainvälistymisstrategia projektin taustalla

SMILE -projektin TAUSTALLA ON LUKION KANSAINVÄLISTYMIS STRATEGIA, jonka aihealueiden toivotaan (toki soveltuvin osin) tämän projektin myötä siirtyvän kaikkien kunnan koulujen toimintoihin.

The aims in our internationalisation strategy are:

1) To increase students internationalisation at home throug international visitors. We have organised a yearly schedule for different international events and visitors. Our teachers have searched international charachters out of their courses. Etwinning makes international contacts possible during the lessons also.

2) Good and permanent relationships to partner schools in abroad. At the moment we are working with cooperation with one French and two German schools, with one Italian and two Spanish schools we are planning an Erasmus+ project. We are hosting one Austrian teacher this year in their KA1-project. Cooperation with local Lions -club for organizing information events for students.

3) To tight internationalisation even firmly and efficiently in different subjects and to teaching. Students are beeing motivated to collect ”International studies”-passport.

4) To use ICT tools in teaching and learning more efficiently. ETwinning and skype have been used in English, German and counseling lessons.

5) To make high school studies a tempting possibility for younger pupils and motivate them with updated teaching methods.

6) To tight up firmly together our entrepreunal -fundraising projects with our international mobility projects. Our big aim is to give our students the possibility for mobility projects despite of the family´s economical situation. Fundraising projects teach many good entrepreunal skills and this attitude will be translated to students other studies too.

7) To raise students interest for global issues and that way strenghtening their active citicenship. Different school subjects, an active students board and tutor-students and the cooperation with our community´s local enterprises are the means for that.

SMILE is going to make a revolution happen in our municipality, that is a more international view for all our teaching and other activities. We also hope that through this project more teachers will be interested in starting different international projects with partner schools abroad!