1. Pronounciation, letters and numbers
Lets get to know each others
Terve, moi, moikka, hei
Bye bye
Hei hei, heippa,
Good afternoon
Hyvää päivää
It's nice to meet you
Mukava tutustua sinuun
My name is
Minun nimeni on
Lets discuss:
- Why you are here?
- What you want to learn?
Teachers wish: please ask as much questions as you can. About language, culture, people, food etc...
Tunnukset ja sivustojen esittely
- How we study here?
- Lets make accounts to reactored
- Lets make accounts to reactored
Finnish alphabet (suomalaiset aakkoset)
Video of finnish pronounciation
Numbers (numerot)
Memory game
- Lets practice numbers with memory game.
- Player turn a card and says the number in it
- If she/he gets same number from second card she/he gets to keep those two cards
- If cards doesn't match, cards go back face down
- Lets practice numbers in reactored
- Player turn a card and says the number in it
- If she/he gets same number from second card she/he gets to keep those two cards
- If cards doesn't match, cards go back face down
- Lets practice numbers in reactored