Porin Lyseo school in alphabetical order / Porin Lyseon koulu aakkosjärjestyksessä

Porin Lyseo school in Alphabetical Order


If a pupil is away from school due to sickness, his/her parent or guardian needs to inform the class adviser on the first day of the absence. Parents need to apply for permission beforehand if a pupil needs to be away from school for reasons other than sickness. The class adviser may grant permission to the parent for an absence of up to three school days. Permission for longer absences is granted by the headmaster. Forms for more than three days of absence from school are to be completed in WILMA.



The assessment discussions will be held during December and January. The guardians, the student and the class advisor should take part in the assessment discussion. Topics of discussion in the assessment discussions are growth, learning and studying skills.



Every pupil who is entitled to school transport will receive a smart card, which needs to be taken care of carefully. However, should the card for some reason get lost, the pupil needs to bring a notice signed by his/her parent(s) to the school secretary stating that the smart card is lost. A new card will be issued after a deposit of 7 euros is paid.



A personal Chromebook will be distributed to each student on the behalf of our school. Handing over the Chromebook to the student requires the approval of a personal user agreement from the guardians. The contract form can be found in the "forms sections" of Wilma under the name "Chromebook personal device usage agreement". The Chromebook is intended as a learning tool. The use of e-learning materials is increasing and students need their Chromebooks for daily use. The chromebooks should be charged at home and it should never be lent to anyone. 



Each class has its own class adviser who keeps up with the absences, general behaviour and studies of the pupils in that class. The class adviser also maintains primary contact with parents or guardians of the pupils.


About once a month there is a session with the class advisor. No normal lessons are held during that time.



A pupil may receive the punishment of detention on the basis of markings in WILMA or as accorded by a teacher, (1 or 2 hrs), for smoking, for example. The detention can be completed on Wednesdays at 15:00 in the classrooms 144 and 145.



A pupil who is not able to follow the school's rules of conduct, or behaves in an inappropriate fashion, is subject to disciplinary action:

  1. Giving a mark on WILMA (Marks on WILMA for a pupil result in an educational discussion).
  2. Removal from the classroom for the duration of the lesson
  3. Imposing detention (1 or 2 hrs.)
  4. The headmaster can issue a written warning
  5. The headmaster or local school committee can suspend a pupil for a maximum of three months.



Our school offers a variety of elective subjects that change from year to year.

Pupils in the 6th grade choose electives for the 7th grade, pupils in the 7th grade choose electives for the 8th grade and pupils in the 8th grade choose electives for the 9th grade. Some pupils are not able to add electives because at an earlier stage they have selected A2 language studies which fills out their schedules.

It is possible to choose short courses as well as long term electives. A long term elective subject lasts for two years (8th and 9th grade) and is studied for two lessons per week. Long term elective choices are graded and appear on the report card. Short term elective courses are marked by showing that the pupil participated in the course, provided the pupil has regularly attended classes. Passing to the next grade level is contingent upon receiving participatory marks or grades in elective subjects as well as obligatory core subjects.

More detailed information about elective subjects will be sent to the parents in the spring. Selection of electives takes place usually in March. You can find out more about the elective subjects here.



A pupil who gets sick during the school day always needs to inform a member of the school staff. The school nurse is the primary person to give permission to leave for home in the middle of a school day. If she is not available, the class advisor can give permission. If the class advisor is not at school another teacher can give permission.

In emergencies we call the emergency number 112.



Guidance counselling consists of guidance in schoolwork, work life and leisure. Guidance counselling lessons are an opportunity to gather information to support decision-making and to ponder with peers about one's own strengths, interests and schooling options.

-In the 7th grade the emphasis in upper school is on studying, learning to learn, knowing oneself and seeking out one's strengths.

-In the 8th grade we learn about businesses, educational systems, occupations and professions and schooling options.

-In the 9th grade we focus on work experience, learning about professions and occupations, fields of vocational education and training, support for studies and personal career choices.



The health care of pupils is the responsibility of school nurses. 



At our school all classes follow the basic educational curriculum as mandated by the National Board of Education (2014). A pupil has 30 hours of lessons. The school year is divided into five periods. When a period changes, the schedule does as well. Each week in a period is the same. Lessons are usually 75 minutes long, but some lessons may be 45 or 90 minutes.



Free school lunch is provided every day in the cafeteria .



Parents' evenings are arranged a few times during the school year.



A great number of pupils come to school with a phone. Their use is not permitted during lessons unless the teacher allows it. It is our hope that pupils take care of their valuables very carefully. The school is not responsible for lost or broken devices.



Physical education (P.E.) lessons take place in many different venues. Pupils need to have situation and weather-appropriate clothing for P.E. lessons. A towel is necessary for showering after the lesson. More information is found here 



Prefects are present to promote caring behavior, create a positive school spirit, combat loneliness and increase young people's participation in school, for example through various games, activities and group days. Being a prefect is voluntary and you can apply to be a prefect in the spring of the 7th grade.


Pupils spend recesses in the schoolyard. Leaving the school area during recess or lunch is not allowed without permission. 


Subjects are assessed with grades 4-10. In the spring, students receive an assessment of school work throughout the school year. In addition, a mid-term evaluation is given for all subjects. At the end of the 9th grade, students receive a graduation certificate to apply for further education. More about grading here.


There are five periods in the school year, and a new schedule is made for each period. The schedules can be found in WILMA.


The school social worker is there for the pupils. The job involves supportive conversations with individual pupils, counseling groups of pupils and/or in class, as well as communicating in the spirit of cooperation with teachers and the parents or guardians of a pupil when necessary.

The goal of the school social worker's job is to promote and maintain the well-being of pupils in the school community so that learning can happen without restraint. The school social worker may be contacted by a pupil, the pupil's parent or guardian or a faculty member.

The work of the school social worker is always confidential.


Snacks are available for sale in the cafeteria at 13:10 – 13:30 on Mondays-Thursdays.



If general forms of instructional support (e.g. supplementary lessons and ability grouping) do not suffice, a pupil is entitled to have part-time special educational (ed,) instruction. (commonly referred to as "the clinic").

Part-time special ed. instruction supports pupils who have slight learning challenges or adaptability challenges, along with those who need extra support in their readiness to learn. Part-time special ed. instruction is either precautionary, (meant to help embrace basic information and skills) or is for the purpose of addressing learning challenges that have already cropped up.

Part-time special ed. instruction may be provided on an individual basis, in small groups or as team teaching at a predesignated time. A teacher, the pupil in question, a parent or guardian or the school's student care group may suggest the need to begin part-time special ed. instruction.



At the beginning of the school year classes elect representatives to the student council. The new council chooses a chairperson and secretary among themselves.

The student council is the voice of the student body. The responsibilities of our school's student council include promoting the position of pupils, planning and organizing common events, as well as issuing statements on the development of the school and rules of conduct.



A pupil, his/her parent or a teacher can initiate giving supplementary/remedial instruction.

- A pupil can get supplementary lessons in all school subjects.

- The teacher giving supplementary instruction doesn't have to be the pupil's own teacher.

Should there be anything unclear about getting supplementary instruction, you can contact the guidance counselor. Parents may also request supplementary instruction for their child.



At our school we strive to distribute tests so that a class does not have several tests on the same day. Test dates and the test subject area are posted on WILMA for pupils and parents to see. Skipped tests can be done on "skipped exams sessions" held every week in the afternoon at 15.00-16.00.



School work experience, (referred to as TET), relates to seventh graders when they learn about the work of food services personnel by working for one hour in the school kitchen and cafeteria. TET experience for eight and ninth graders gains work experience at a job outside of school for a period of one week. The students will search for and apply for their own work experience.



In the autumn pupils receive a book to use in some subjects. As a rule the books are to be returned at the end of the school year. A pupil will have to compensate for a lost or purposefully destroyed book.



WILMA is an electronic system for following studies. Parents and pupils can follow school bulletins and keep abreast of events via WILMA. It is also a means of staying in touch with school personnel. Parents will get WILMA login details from the school secretary.