11th December * Happy Children's Day in the Greek school!

" Even if one child is deprived of his or her rights, then the concept of " human rights" is abolished.Children need our love and care throughout the whole year , not only on Children's Day" Antonis Samarakis

On 20th November 1959 the United Nations adopted the "Declaration of the Rights of the Child" and in 1989 the Convention of Children's Rights. The 20th November has been established as the World Children's Day.
In Greece, Children's Day is celebrated on 11th December, the day that UNICEF founded,11 December 1946, to help the children of Europe, Middle East and China after the end of World War II.

Let's not forget: " I have , you have , he has ....we all have rights"

Τhe pupils of our school celebrated this Special Day for them , with creative and fun activities in the schoolyard and inside the classrooms. Watch the video!


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