Our life source water

8.3.2017 tehtävät

What pollutes waters in Finland?


  • fertilizers and pesticides from the fields
  • when people throw rubbish into waters
  • different types of algae
  • ships and ferries
  • salt from the roads
  • micro plastics  

That you didn’t know about waters of Finland
  • Finland has 187 888 lakes
  • the deepest lake in Finland is Päijänne, it’s 95,4 meters deep
  • Finns consume water an average of 155 liters per day
  • Finland has a Finland-shaped lake called Neitokainen


VESI SUOMESSA Waters in Finland

  • järviä (lakes), jokia (rivers), meriä (seas), lähteitä (springs) , puroja (streams) , koskia (rapids), pohjavesi (groundwater)
  • makeaa (fresh water) & suolaista vettä (salty water), murtovesi (brackish water)
  • ITÄMERI! (The Baltic Sea)
  • nestemäistä (liquid), lunta (snow) ja jäätä (ice), kaasua (gas)
  • räntää (sleet)

It's meant for:
-juomaan (for drinking) , ruokaan (for food), peseytyminen (for washing up), sauna (for sauna)

- Vesivoima (hydropower)

  • Tavaroiden kuljettaminen vesireittejä pitkin(for the carriage of goods along waterways), laivaristeilyt(cruise ship), Jäänmurtajat(icebreaker)
  • uiminen (swimming), kalastus (fishing)

-kukkien kastelu (watering flowers)

  • KRAANAVESI JUOMISEEN! ( tap water for drinking)
  • KESÄMÖKKI! (a summer cottage)
  • SUO (a bog)