Laukaa Primary School

Our school is called Laukaa Kirkonkylä Primary School. We have approximately 615 pupils and 45 teachers (in 2023) and 27 assistant teachers. Our principal is Marko Samula. In our school we have four or five classes of the same age group. These groups are taught by class teachers. We also have several special education groups according to either pupils' learning skills or disability. We have subject teachers in languages ​​and in religion. We also have 14 special education teachers. Some of them work flexibly with a certain age group and the most of them with their own classes with some pupils who have extra needs. In our school there is also a curator and a school nurse. We also have an a secretary and a caretaker. In addition to this we have several members of cleaners and kitchen staff. We have quite a new school building. It was finished in 2022. And here are some pictures of our school.

The main entrance of our school.


The Lounge area

Second picture of our lounge.

Third picture of our lounge.
Here's a pickture of our hand washing station behind the canteen.

Here's a picture of our lines. We're taking our foods from there when is the lunch time.

Here's a pictuture of our return line.

Here is a picture of our school staff's break room.

This is one of the technical classrooms of our school.

This is the other Textilework classroom. 

Here is our dyeing workplace in a textile classroom. 

This is our school playground. There are basketballhoops, swings and climbing frames.

There is a small forest area nearby our school.