Pippi Longstocking's adventures in Athens

Pippi Langstrumpf stayed with us for almost 4 months bringing her adventurous,  free-like  way of living with her.
How many happy moments we shared with her!

When Pippi met Eirini  she thought to herself  , "Who is that girl who is holding me? My twin sister ...maybe?!! "

All the girls and the boys of our school had lots of fun with Pippi during her staying in our school.
They learned so many things from her!
Pippi told them everything about the story of her life and about her country, Sweden!

The Greek pupils showed her so many things about Greece, as well.
Pippi visited Ancient Olympia -the birthplace of the Olympic Games ,the Museum of Ancient Greek Technology, she participated in the " Breakfast at school" activity, she even participated in the olive harvesting in our schoolyard.
She also learned the Greek alphabet and some Greek words and we played a lot of games together!
 Pippi had lots of fun at Christmas!  She even played with the snow in the nearby mountains!  

The Greek pupils said "Goodbye" to her with Pippi's dance.
The pictures and the videos  below can say more!

D and E groups dancing Pippi's dance!Enjoy it!


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