How to Enrol at Kanervala School


Prospective students must apply to attend Kanervala School.
Enrolment for the 1st grade is normally carried out in the late Autumn of the year prior to starting school. However, continuous enrolment is available for students moving to Joensuu. 

On-line applications via the Wilma-system are preferred (web interface for student administration, in Finnish):

An application form is available in English here

Please return the completed application in person to Kanervala school principal Iris Oinasniemi, or alternatively, post to the following address: 

City of Joensuu/Education, “School enrolment”

Länsikatu 15, Building 4B, 2nd floor,

80110 Joensuu. 

Please note: as part of the application process, prospective students must attend an interview at Kanervala School. The purpose of the interview is to ensure that there are no language development issues that would prevent a prospective student from thriving in a bilingual learning environment.

After-School Activities

After-school activities are available for 1st and 2nd grade pupils and mainly run between 12:00–17:00. In recent years, there have been enough places available to meet the demand of Kanervala students.

The City of Joensuu coordinates the activities which are carried out by Itä-Suomen koulu, who operate at the same location as Kanervala School.

The basic fee is 100€/month for a maximum of 20 hours per week, and 120€/month if the attendance time exceeds 20 hours per week.

It is possible to apply for a reduction with the decision based on family income criteria. 

An application must be made in order to attend after-school activities:


Application form (pdf)

Open document

For more information: contact mailto:

School Transport

Kanervala School is considered a “secondary option school” under the City of Joensuu’s transport policy, and therefore, parents are responsible for organising transport to and from school, as well as any associated costs.


Assistance and Support

Student welfare services support the pupils' growth and development, help to create optimal conditions for learning and aim to increase well-being at school. The aim is to offer pupils guidance and support and to prevent challenges in advance. Professionals providing student welfare services – besides the class teacher and principal - include school nurse, school doctor, school social worker, school psychologist, special needs teacher, guidance counsellor and youth worker. The pupil’s affairs are always handled confidentially and as agreed with the pupil and the parents.


School Health Care

School health care is available at Kanervala School for all kinds of questions related to the physical and mental health of pupils. School health care is free-of-charge. In Joensuu, regular health checks by a school nurse and doctor take place in years 1, 5 and 8. Parents are also invited to attend. In addition, pupils are invited to dentist checks. 

A school nurse is normally the first point of contact for a pupil and (s)he may reserve an appointment for a doctor. A school nurse should be contacted, for example, to discuss special diet requirements, allergies or other health-related aspects, which should be taken into account during school days. Furthermore, first aid is organised at school. 

General medical care for pupils is organised at health stations, in Joensuu by Siun Sote.


Support for Learning

In Finland, support for learning is divided into general, intensified and special support. The measures depend on the needs of the pupil and may include e.g. remedial teaching, part-time special needs education, adjustment of school and home work, interpretation, assistant services, teaching of social and emotional skills or special aids.


Native English Teaching Arrangements

The City of Joensuu provides support for students to learn their mother tongue where such lessons can be accommodated. Kanervala School attracts many native speakers of English who qualify for the additional language teaching support. As such, Kanervala School normally hosts additional English lessons that are taught by a native English speaker.

A benefit of this is that non-native students can also participate in these lessons if their level of English is compatible with the group.

Mother tongue teaching is a supplementary topic for basic education and it is arranged before or after the regular school day. Teaching and participating in mother tongue lessons is voluntary and free-of-charge. One can register for the teaching at the time of school enrolment or later by contacting the school principal Iris Oinasniemi.

For further information, please contact the school principal Iris Oinasniemi, or visit the the City of Joensuu website: