Biology: Wolf

Wolf is a predator. It lives mainly in eastern part of Finland but has also spread in western Finland. Many peolpe are afraid of wolves. I think it is because of fairytails. Wolf is almoust always seen in bad light.

Wolves live in pack and in pack is very clear hierarchy. Alfa couple is a leader in a pack and other are close relatives. They have to look after puppies when some are hunting and every wolf has own position in a pack. In that way they don´t need to waste energy in sane.

I have read a book called "Never cry wolf". It was one of the best I´ve ever read. It told about the researher who was sent to national park to investigate the life of wolves. At firs that biologist was very afraid, but very soon he realized that he doesn`t need to be. Wolves had a sense that a man is now living there, and they gave him his area and even changed them own.