
Laura Vedenpää, 4th grade class teacher in Viialan Keskustan koulu, I´m intrested in learning games and iPads

Tuovi Ronkainen, principal in Akaan lukio (uupper secondary school), I am specially interested in the ICT working plan and the use of IPads in learning

Mirva Virta 4th grade teacher in Roukko, Valkeakoski. Interested in different kind of educational projects with pupils.

Ira Ådahl-Rautanen, classteacher at 3rd grade in Viialan keskustan koulu. I'm interested in how to use iPad in education.

Laura Vanhatalo, I`m 4th grade class teacher in Viialan Keskustan koulu. I`m interested how to use ICT in education, especially learning games and Ipad.

Mira Heikkilä

Kaija-Leena Salovaara