Kaivuri testi neljällä moottorilla

#include <Servo.h> &#47;&#47;Servo library

Servo servo_1; &#47;&#47;initialize a servo object for the connected servo
Servo servo_2; &#47;&#47;initialize a servo object for the connected servo
Servo servo_3; &#47;&#47;initialize a servo object for the connected servo
Servo servo_4; &#47;&#47;initialize a servo object for the connected servo

int angle1 = 0;
int angle2 = 0;
int angle3 = 0;
int angle4 = 0;

int potentio1 = A1; &#47;&#47; initialize the A0analog pin for potentiometer
int potentio2 = A0; &#47;&#47; initialize the A1analog pin for potentiometer
int potentio3 = A2; &#47;&#47; initialize the A1analog pin for potentiometer
int potentio4 = A3; &#47;&#47; initialize the A1analog pin for potentiometer

#define SERVO1PIN 7
#define SERVO2PIN 9
#define SERVO3PIN 10
#define SERVO4PIN 6

void setup()
  servo_1.attach(SERVO1PIN); &#47;&#47; attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino

  servo_2.attach(SERVO2PIN); &#47;&#47; attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino
  servo_3.attach(SERVO3PIN); &#47;&#47; attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino
  servo_4.attach(SERVO4PIN); &#47;&#47; attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino

void loop()
  angle1 = analogRead(potentio1); &#47;&#47; reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
  angle1 = map(angle1, 0, 1023, 60, 140); &#47;&#47; scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
  servo_1.write(angle1); &#47;&#47;command to rotate the servo to the specified angle

  angle2 = analogRead(potentio2); &#47;&#47; reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
  angle2 = map(angle2, 0, 1023, 0, 179); &#47;&#47; scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
  servo_2.write(angle2); &#47;&#47;command to rotate the servo to the specified angle
  angle3 = analogRead(potentio3); &#47;&#47; reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
  angle3 = map(angle3, 0, 1023, 30, 160); &#47;&#47; scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
  servo_3.write(angle3); &#47;&#47;command to rotate the servo to the specified angle

  angle4 = analogRead(potentio4); &#47;&#47; reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
  angle4 = map(angle4, 0, 1023, 30, 160); &#47;&#47; scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
  servo_4.write(angle4); &#47;&#47;command to rotate the servo to the specified angle


Oppiva robottikäsi

// Code written by Ryan Chan; it is pretty inefficient, but gets the job // done, I challenge you to make it more efficient!

//*IMPORTANT CHANGES IN VERSION 2: LEDs 4 and 5 have been moved to pins // 7 and 8 respectively; Buttons 1 and 2 have been moved to pins 12 and // 13 respectively. This is to make wiring easier.

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo1; //Servos
Servo servo2;
Servo servo3;

const int LED1 = 2; //LEDs
const int LED2 = 3;
const int LED3 = 4;
const int LED4 = 7;
const int LED5 = 8;

const int button1 = 12; //Buttons
const int button2 = 13;

int button1Presses = 0; //Button values
boolean button2Pressed = false;

const int pot1 = A0; //Potentimeters
const int pot2 = A1;
const int pot3 = A2;

int pot1Val; //Potentimeter values
int pot2Val;
int pot3Val;
int pot1Angle;
int pot2Angle;
int pot3Angle;

int servo1PosSaves[] = {1,1,1,1,1}; //position saves
int servo2PosSaves[] = {1,1,1,1,1};
int servo3PosSaves[] = {1,1,1,1,1};

void setup() {

 // Set up everything and will run once;

 // attach servos and define the pin modes
 pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(LED5, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(button1, INPUT);
 pinMode(button2, INPUT);


void loop() {
 // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
 pot1Val = analogRead(pot1);

 // This will read the values from the potentimeters and store it...
 pot1Angle = map(pot1Val, 0, 1023, 0, 179);

 // ... and this will map the values from the potentiometers to

 // values the servos can use and store it for later use
 pot2Val = analogRead(pot2);
 pot2Angle = map(pot2Val, 0, 1023, 0, 179);
 pot3Val = analogRead(pot3);
 pot3Angle = map(pot3Val, 0, 1023, 0, 179);

 // These will make the servos move to the mapped angles
 if(digitalRead(button1) == HIGH){

 // This will check how many times button1 is pressed and save

 // the positions to an array depending on how many times it is

 // pressed; switch/case works like a if statement
 case 1:
 servo1PosSaves[0] = pot1Angle;
 servo2PosSaves[0] = pot2Angle;
 servo3PosSaves[0] = pot3Angle;
 digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
 Serial.println("Pos 1 Saved");
 case 2:
 servo1PosSaves[1] = pot1Angle;
 servo2PosSaves[1] = pot2Angle;
 servo3PosSaves[1] = pot3Angle;
 digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
 Serial.println("Pos 2 Saved");
 case 3:
 servo1PosSaves[2] = pot1Angle;
 servo2PosSaves[2] = pot2Angle;
 servo3PosSaves[2] = pot3Angle;
 digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
 Serial.println("Pos 3 Saved");
 case 4:
 servo1PosSaves[3] = pot1Angle;
 servo2PosSaves[3] = pot2Angle;
 servo3PosSaves[3] = pot3Angle;
 digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH);
 Serial.println("Pos 4 Saved");
 case 5:
 servo1PosSaves[4] = pot1Angle;
 servo2PosSaves[4] = pot2Angle;
 servo3PosSaves[4] = pot3Angle;
 digitalWrite(LED5, HIGH);
 Serial.println("Pos 5 Saved");

 if(digitalRead(button2) == HIGH){

 // Pretty self-explnatory here
 button2Pressed = true;  

 // if the boolean button2Press is true, then the servos

 // will run though all their saved positions
 for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
 Serial.println(" potentimeter Angles: ");

Joystick Sensor Serial Read

 TNG Robotics |
 Title  | Joystick Sensor Serial Read
 Connect  | Servo to Arduino digital pin 5
 Published  | October 29, 2016

const int VRx = 0; // Connect to Analog Pin 0
const int VRy = 1; // Connect to Analog Pin 1
const int SW = 4; // Connect to Digital Pin 4

void setup() {
 pinMode(SW, INPUT);
 digitalWrite(SW, HIGH);

void loop() {
 Serial.print("x-axis tilt: ");
 Serial.print("y-axis tilt: ");
 Serial.print("switch: ");

Testing the DC Motors 2

* Bruno Santos, 2013
* Small code to test DC motors - 2x with a L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
* Free to share

//Testing the DC Motors
//Define Pins
//Motor A
int enableA = 10;
int pinA1 = 2;
int pinA2 = 3;

//Motor B
int enableB = 9;
int pinB1 = 4;
int pinB2 = 5;

//define time for run
// in milliseconds
int running = 10000; //10 secons

boolean play;

void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
//configure pin modes
pinMode (enableA, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinA1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinA2, OUTPUT);

pinMode (enableB, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinB1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinB2, OUTPUT);

play = true;


//Defining functions so it's more easy
//motor functions
void motorAforward() {
digitalWrite (pinA1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pinA2, LOW);
void motorBforward() {
digitalWrite (pinB1, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinB2, HIGH);
void motorAbackward() {
digitalWrite (pinA1, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinA2, HIGH);
void motorBbackward() {
digitalWrite (pinB1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pinB2, LOW);
void motorAstop() {
digitalWrite (pinA1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pinA2, HIGH);
void motorBstop() {
digitalWrite (pinB1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pinB2, HIGH);
void motorAcoast() {
digitalWrite (pinA1, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinA2, LOW);
void motorBcoast() {
digitalWrite (pinB1, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinB2, LOW);
void motorAon() {
digitalWrite (enableA, HIGH);
void motorBon() {
digitalWrite (enableB, HIGH);
void motorAoff() {
digitalWrite (enableA, LOW);
void motorBoff() {
digitalWrite (enableB, LOW);
// Movement functions
void forward (int duration) {
delay (duration);
void backward (int duration) {
delay (duration);
void left (int duration) {
delay (duration);
void right (int duration) {
delay (duration);
void coast (int duration) {
delay (duration);
void breakRobot (int duration) {
delay (duration);
void disableMotors() {
void enableMotors() {

void loop() {

while (play) {
//Forward for 1,5s
Serial.println ("forward...");
forward (1500);
//turn right
Serial.println ("right...");
right (500);
//Forward for 1,5s
Serial.println ("forward...");
forward (1500);
//turn left
Serial.println ("left...");
left (1000);

//Forward for 1,5s
Serial.println ("forward...");
forward (1500);
if (millis() > running) {
play = false;
Serial.println ("Falsing");

//disable motors

Testing the DC Motors

* Bruno Santos, 2013
* Small code to test DC motors - 2x with a L298 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
* Free to share
//Testing the DC Motors
//Define Pins
//Motor A
int enableA = 10;
int pinA1 = 2;
int pinA2 = 3;
//Motor B
int enableB = 9;
int pinB1 = 4;
int pinB2 = 5;
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
//configure pin modes
pinMode (enableA, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinA1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinA2, OUTPUT);
pinMode (enableB, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinB1, OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinB2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
//enabling motor A
Serial.println ("Enabling Motor A");
digitalWrite (enableA, HIGH);
//do something
Serial.println ("Forward");
digitalWrite (pinA1, HIGH);
digitalWrite (pinA2, LOW);
//5s forward
delay (5000);
digitalWrite (pinA1,LOW);
digitalWrite (pinA2,HIGH);
//5s backwards
delay (5000);
digitalWrite (enableA, LOW);
delay (5000);
//enabling motor B
//Since motor B is mounted reversed, PINs must be exchanged
Serial.println ("Enabling Motor A");
digitalWrite (enableB, HIGH);
//do something
Serial.println ("Forward");
digitalWrite (pinB1, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinB2, HIGH);
//5s forward
delay (5000);
digitalWrite (pinB1,HIGH);
digitalWrite (pinB2,LOW);
//5s backwards
delay (5000);
digitalWrite (enableB, LOW);
delay (5000);

Kaivuri testi 4.ino

#include <Servo.h> //Servo library

Servo servo_1; //initialize a servo object for the connected servo
Servo servo_2; //initialize a servo object for the connected servo
Servo servo_3; //initialize a servo object for the connected servo

int angle1 = 0;
int angle2 = 0;
int angle3 = 0;
int potentio1 = A1; // initialize the A0analog pin for potentiometer
int potentio2 = A0; // initialize the A1analog pin for potentiometer
int potentio3 = A2; // initialize the A1analog pin for potentiometer
int potentio4 = A3; // initialize the A1analog pin for potentiometer
#define SERVO1PIN 7
#define SERVO2PIN 9
#define SERVO3PIN 10

void setup()
servo_1.attach(SERVO1PIN); // attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino

servo_2.attach(SERVO2PIN); // attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino
servo_3.attach(SERVO3PIN); // attach the signal pin of servo to pin9 of arduino

void loop()
angle1 = analogRead(potentio1); // reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
angle1 = map(angle1, 0, 1023, 60, 140); // scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
servo_1.write(angle1); //command to rotate the servo to the specified angle

angle2 = analogRead(potentio2); // reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
angle2 = map(angle2, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
servo_2.write(angle2); //command to rotate the servo to the specified angle
angle3 = analogRead(potentio3); // reading the potentiometer value between 0 and 1023
angle3 = map(angle3, 0, 1023, 30, 160); // scaling the potentiometer value to angle value for servo between 0 and 180)
servo_3.write(angle3); //command to rotate the servo to the specified angle
