CAS plan
CAS Plan
Make a CAS plan for next year.
1) Name
2) Check or even learn:)
Learner Profile
7 Learning Outcomes
3) Make a description of yourself, written "selfpotrait". Write down some of your strengths and weaknesses. Describe what kind of person you are. What do you think which part of the learner profile are easier for you.
4) write one thing for every letter (C, A, S) you coul try in your CAS Programme next year. Where would you do it? How? What would be your aim in that experience? How could you document it.
5) For student development to occur, CAS should involve:
real, purposeful activities, with significant outcomes
personal challenge—tasks must extend the student and be achievable in scope
thoughtful consideration, such as planning, reviewing progress, reporting
reflection on outcomes and personal learning.
All proposed CAS activities need to meet these four criteria. It is also essential that they do not replicate other parts of the student’s Diploma Programme work.
a CAS activity should not:
be unsafe
cause, or worsen, social divisions
be trivial, mundane or repetitive
include proselytizing.