

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

Go for it 5
kpl 10-12 pisteet____/40

1. Lue teksti ja vastaa kysymyksiin suomeksi!

Mike, Coco and Hazel started their trip to Quebec early in the morning. Mike’s grandpa baked them a delicious cake for the trip. Winnie hugged them and Mike’s grandpa even cried a bit. But grandma smiled and said: “You can visit us any time you like. You’re always welcome to our small cottage!”

Mike’s apartment was near the city centre. So, they walked from the railway station to the apartment. They were all really hungry but Mike didn’t have any food in his apartment. Luckily, there were a lot of restaurants and shops near Mike’s place.

They enjoyed a delicious lunch in a small café. The café had menus in English and French. Coco even tried to speak some French. Mike had a big sandwich, Coco had chicken and Hazel had pancakes with maple syrup.

After lunch, they walked around the city. Coco wanted to buy new jeans but they were too expensive. So, she decided to buy a cool T-shirt.

In the evening, Mike had band practice. Coco and Hazel watched a movie, listened to music and had some pizza. They were all really tired, so they were already in their beds at ten o’clock. Mustard didn’t go to sleep. He played with Coco’s phone and finished the pizza.
a) Mitä Miken isoisä teki?

b)Mitä Winnie teki?

c) Miten Coco, Hazel ja Mike pääsivät Miken asunnolle?

d) Mitä he söivät kahvilassa?

e)Mitä Mikellä oli illalla?

f) Mitä Mustard teki muiden mentyä nukkumaan?

2. Valitse oikea vaihtoehto napsauttamalla sitä!



siivota pöytä

tyhjentää tiskikone

viedä roskat


hän ei mennyt

äiti imuroi

Anne ei laulanut

Kissa ei syönyt kalaa.

ranskan kieli

3. Muuta lauseet imperfektiin!
I smile a lot.
You dance every day.
He climbs big mountains.
We help our mum at home.
They walk home from school.
I don´t read a book.
Jim doesn´t play ice-hockey!

4. Kirjoita seuraavat lauseet englanniksi!
Tapasitko isoäitisi eilen?
Sam ulkoilutti koiraa.
Leikkasiko isä nurmikon?
Me emme syöneet ravintolassa.
Ostitko uuden tietokoneen?
Ruokimmeko kissat aamulla?

Miten teit kokeen? (Kirjan avulla vai ilman?
Minkä verran luit kokeeseen ja oliko se riittävästi mielestäsi?
Miten mielestäsi onnistuit kokeessa?
Terveisiä opelle!

Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen