Ohjeet logon suunnitteluun
FYL:lin logoehdotus (Kia & Mette)
Logoehdotus/ logoehdotukset pitää olla lähetetty Belgiaan 28.5 mennessä.
Äänestysaika 31.5 - 4.6
1) the name GAYA must be in the center of the logo ( entä Erasmus+ ?)
2) there must be a link with climate change (land, animals, ......)
3) the 6 partners must be identified (flags, countries, ....) (entä EU:n lippu?)
4) the link with Europe must be there too.
Each logo should be explained (why did you choose such colors, what are the references in the design ....)
Ohjeita edellisen hankkeen logolle lisäksi:
The logo has to be in paper format.???? Ei tarvitse!
The logo cannot exceed A4 size.
Do not use glitter or candle crayons.
- Compliance with the subject: the logo has to represent the aim of the project
- Work aesthetics
- Originality
- Catching the attention