Feedback TNM Forssa


Kirjaudu sisään lähettääksesi tämän lomakkeen

1= I totally agree, 3= I partly agree/disagree , 5= I totally disagree

The introduction to the platform gave me what I need to get started with using it in my school. workshop did not offer me enough practical tools to deal with project issues.
The key methods and tools the Finnish team of lecturers and teachers taught us are relevant as to the successful completion of the project.
I find it very difficult to see why we had to familiarize us with such concepts as phenomenon-based learning and evaluation with portfolio.
I was familiar with the reporting platform Mobility Tool+ before the transnational meeting in Finland.
The use of Mobility Tool+ still takes a lot of getting used to.
After this seminar I will be prepared to pass on what I have learnt to my colleagues and students.
The contents of the seminar still take a lot of digesting before I can use them in my work with students.
Preparing our pitch talk and listening to the ones the other partners made clarified my idea of the tasks and activities we need to perform during the following 'study cycles'.
I still think that our learning/teaching/training activities take a considerable amount of planning to do to work in practise.
The objective of the project is now crystal clear to me.
My main motivation to join this project was to share know-how with our partners for the benefit of our students.

My comments/suggestions:

My list of tasks before the LTT activities in Germany:

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