Teachers' blog

Meeting 9th Frebuary

Contet of meeting:

Whats up with students works forthis spring? Video? Theme? Texts? 
Rekry of next years students? How many?

LTT in Germany

LTT activity in Germany 14.1.-20.1.2018

International film workshop took place in Sheersberg in Schlewig- Holstein in Germany. Participants were 3 teachers from Fossa yhteislyseo, Ms. Mäkelä, Ms. Petersen and Ms. Ruskela and six students. Bulgary, Romania and Germany took two teachers from each country and six students.  Our team arrived to Flensburg at 14.th of January. Six students were taken to their host family’s straight from railway station. Teachers went to Sheersberg. Monday 15th of January all students and teachers met on Satrup Gymnasium. We followed several lessons and met the headmaster of the school. Afternoon all students from Germany, Bulgary, Romania and Finland arrived to Sheersberg. Filmwork started same evening.

16th of January all teachers and students started to practice filming. Afternoon they took a 3-4 hour trip to Flensburg. As they arrived back their work continued. 17th of January all 7 groups who started to work with their own films. 18th of January all groups edited their films. 19th of January films were completed and shown to the audience. In the afternoon teachers and studentst left Sheersberg to Hampurg, In Hampurg students had a free evening. 20th of January teachers and students fly back home.

Same time with workshop teachers met in the evenings to plan next meeting and also to select best of the logos that had been made by some of the students. This logo was later in the week printed in t-shirt and used also some putton.

Film workshop was satisfying and well organised. Our goal to learn how to film, edit an produce film was fulfilled. Results were excellent. All participants students and teachers were pleased with the results and could see that we can continue to work with this method on project.

Laura ja Marjo

Tapaaminen 13.10. klo 8.15-9.30: opiskelijavalinta

Laura, Taina ja Susanne pisteyttivät hakijoiden loput osa-alueet. Niitä olivat kirjallinen englannin kielen taito (letter of motivation), tekstin rakentaminen (letter of motivation), suullinen kielitaito (ryhmätilanne), ryhmäviestintätaidot (ryhmätilanne) sekä mediataidot ja yhteiskunnallinen valveutuneisuus (letter of motivation + erillinen kysymys ryhmätilanteessa. Tämä painotetaan kertoimella 2).

Valituiksi tulivat Josefiina Pöllänen, Helmi Niemi, Erika Heikkonen, Jere Airamaa, Santeri Salonen ja Viivi Makkonen. Mikäli haluaa tarkempaa tietoa omista pisteistään, niistä voi kysyä opettajilta.

Tapaaminen 6.10.2017

Tekijä: Marjo Ruskela
Haastattelut. Suunniteltiin haastattelun ryhmäkeskustelua. Puhuttiin valintaperusteista.

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