Data processing methods

  • As mentioned earlier, data can be processed manually, mechanically and electronically.
  1. Manual data processing
  • In manual data processing, most tasks are done manually with a pen and a paper. For example in a busy office, incoming tasks (input) are stacked in the “tray” (output). The processing of each task involves a person using the brain in order to respond to queries.
  • The processed information from the out tray is then distributed to the people who need it or stored in a file cabinet.
  1. Mechanical data processing
  • Manual is cumbersome and boring especially repetitive tasks. Mechanical devices were developed to help in automation of manual tasks. Examples of mechanical devices include the typewriter, printing press, and weaving looms. Initially, these devices did not have electronic intelligence.
  1. Electronic data processing
  • For a long time, scientists have researched on how to develop machine or devices that would stimulate some form of human intelligence during data and information processing. This was made possible to some extent with the development of electronic programmable devices such as computers.
  • The advent of microprocessor technology has greatly enhanced data processing efficiency and capability. Some of the micro processor controlled devices include computers, cellular(mobile) phones, calculators, fuel pumps, modern television sets, washing machines etc