Konsti in English

Welcome to the colourful world of Art Kindergarten Konsti!

We play, we dance, we sing, we run
We make art and music, we laugh and have fun
If all of this sounds good to you too
We’d love for you to join our crew
These pages are full of pictures and stories
Information, excitement and answers to your queries!
Get in touch!
“Mix affection, hugs and plenty of heart
Add a dollop of fun to give it a good start
Top with exactly the right amount of art
And enjoy it all together with friends!”

Art Kindergarten Konsti is a private kindergarten based in Kerava. Konsti was established in 1995 by the Kerava Art Kindergarten Association, which was formed by the Kerava School of Dance, Kerava School of Music and Kerava School of Art to provide individually-based high-quality early childhood education as well as a varied programme of daycare activities and experiences. At Konsti, children are encouraged to explore and experiment with different arts when they are at their liveliest. We support children in their overall growth and development through experiential learning by integrating music, visual arts, dance and exercise into the child’s everyday life and play.
Konsti is located in Kerava in the district of Kilta, close to Killan koulu primary school and the Kaleva Sports Park. Konsti’s surroundings provide excellent opportunities for outdoor activities and exercise. There is a lovely green park right next door, and Konsti's own courtyard has a little forest, where the children can explore nature and let their imaginations fly through play. The kindergarten is open from 6:30 am to 5.00 pm (you can find the daily programme here).
Konsti’s facilities are perfectly suited for small group activities and free play as well as exploring, making and experiencing art. Taidetalo – Art House – is a separate studio where children are inspired to dive into the fascinating world of fine arts and become familiar with various materials and equipment. Konsti went through an expansion in February 2010, thanks to which over 100 children from under 3s to preschoolers have plenty of room to play and make art at Konsti.
Konsti's own kitchen prepares delicious meals every day for both the children and staff. A few times a week, the aroma of freshly baked goods wafts from the kitchen to the group rooms and the children have fun trying to guess which food word will be in today’s word rhythm. If you have any special dietary requests or restrictions, please talk to your group’s educators or tell the kitchen staff directly.
Minna is Konsti's own kindergarten special education teacher (varhaiskasvatuksen erityisopettaja, VEO). She visits all of the groups regularly, gets to know the children and supports the group educators in their work.
If you have any questions about the growth and development of your child, you can always ask Minna. You can reach her via email at veo@taidepaivakotikonsti.fi or find her from the Kujeet group.