
Recycling research

Pielisjoki- schools 9B-class is doing a small research about household recycling practices and the possibilities included in it during 2017-2018. During the research we are combining the studies of the ninth-grade LUMA-class (science and mathematics) and at the same time learning about the usage of the Internet in acquiring research material and using it in practice. After the research the students process the gained information and make conclusions about them. The results will be shared and processed with the schools participating in the research.

In addition to us, many other schools from Finland and foreign countries are participating in the research. The international part of the research is done in co-operation with the ENO-webschool. At the moment we have schools participating in France, Germany, South-Africa, Argentina and India. From the gained results the students will make conclusions and compare the possible differences between different countries. At the same time the students and the teachers will get to know foreign educational institutions and recycling in different parts of the globe. The students have planned and will also implement the research all by themselves. The teachers of course will help if needed.

We hope that you will participate actively and use a little bit of your time for this research.

Best regards,

Class 9B from Pielisjoki School

Directive teacher:

Antti Kasurinen


1. Country

2. You live in a

3. You live in a


4. Number of people living in your household

5 What does your garbage mainly consist of?

other, what?

6.a)Do you recyle metal ?

6.b) Do you recycle plastic?

6.c) Do you recycle paper?

6.d) Do you recycle cardboard?

6.e) Do you recycle glass?

7. How far from home is your nearest recycling centre?

8. Do they recycle in your workplace/school?

9. Do you compost your organic waste?

10. Do you go to the fleamarket?

11. What do you do to your electronic waste?

other, what?

12. What do you do to old and unsuitable clothes?

12.a) We take it to the fleamarket

12.b) We take it to a clothes fundraising

12.c) We throw it to the miscellaneous waste

12.d) other, what?
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