Women and Welfare

About the project

The aim of the project is to promote, through transnational research, learning activities associated with gender culture and equal opportunities. The issue of work-life balance and equal opportunities has become increasingly central and this has led us to propose present project called "WaW Women and Welfare". The initiative represents an opportunity to develop knowledge and awareness of the importance of gender equality in social, economic and political life, with particular attention to women's contribution to the development of local communities.


The project involves the reconstruction of the significant aspects that characterize Women and Welfare, taking into account the diversity of conditions and the role of women in European partner countries and analyzing the quantitative characteristics of female employment and sectors of activity. The project aims to encourage students to develop a range of skills to deal with our complex world in order to promote their personal growth, citizenship, preparation for the world of work and, above all, satisfaction of students' interests and active participation.


Work process

The project themes will be explored in the European context through collaboration and interaction in a multicultural environment in order to broaden the skills of teachers who, through this project, exchange good educational and educational practices.
Activities: The activities will begin with the analysis of the European context to highlight the characteristics and qualitative and quantitative aspects of female-male employment and employment sectors.
We will then go to the detection and analysis of the needs of women workers through interviews prepared by the students, aimed at different types of workers in a single territory. Students will work in groups, in theme: "Women and welfare in the EU: If you were part of a technical working group, what would your proposals be to protect working women?"


Expected results

The students will then, with the support of the teachers, create an ebook and make a final conference. The materials produced will be computerized and disseminated through institutional websites, project website, fb, twitter, e-Twinning platform, etc. All the activities of working together will enable them to acquire and improve their skills, not only in the topic at the center of the project, but also in terms of teamwork, intercultural learning, social relationships and the use of information and communication technologies.


The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents of the publication.