Course overview

Course overview

The goal of this course is to orient students to pedagogical leadership and to prepare the way for students to develop their own leadership capacity. Through studying the concept of pedagogical leadership and sharing practical experiences, the aim is to enable students to build their own models for pedagogical leadership. Besides pedagogical leadership, the concepts of distributed leadership and leadership as a resource are dealt with.

The way we understand for example pedagogical leadership evolves the whole time so the theory you are advised to study and the scopes you are given for your assignments also evolve the whole time. So, that is something that is updated again and again. And, when you and I are at the end of the present course we will both think a little differently. That is how our thinking and theories develop.

We live in a Newtonian world where everything is interconnected, ambiguous and unclear, and changes the whole time. Pedagogical leadership is definitely an central part of the core mission of the school i.e. learning. But, in today's context pedagogical leadership is also part of the leadership of every organisations. Organisations need to be able to learn to survive in the present and future worlds. So, pedagogical leadership is an essential part of change leadership.

This course has the following sessions:

Session 1 Orientation
Session 2 Theories and concepts
Session 3 Broad pedagogical Leadership
Session 4 Leadership as Resource
Session 5 Curriculum as a Tool for Leadership 1
Session 6 School Visit Presentations
Session 7 Curriculum as a Tool for Leadership 2

The learning process is designed to enable you to develop your own model of pedagogic leadership understanding the concepts of pedagogical and distributed leadership.

Your task is to go through the sessions, read the required literature, watch the lectures and do the assignments included in the sessions and lectures. Each session and lecture includes the instructions for your assignments before or after the session and lecture.

After every lecture you are expected to write a reflective report on the lecture. The reflective reports are to include your own personal perceptions on the lecture and are not normally commented by the teacher of the course.

After most of the sessions you are expected to write a more detailed assignment. Write these assignments in the workbook and use them in your course assignment. The purpose of the session assignments is to guide your learning process and to enable you to participate in the course in a similar way as campus students. For the session assignments you will get feedback from the teacher. käyttää vain välttämättömiä evästeitä istunnon ylläpitämiseen ja anonyymiin tekniseen tilastointiin. ei koskaan käytä evästeitä markkinointiin tai kerää yksilöityjä tilastoja. Lisää tietoa evästeistä