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Lectures on 20 February

Dear all,

Our last Basic Studies lectures will be held on the coming Saturday. We'll be using the same Zoom link as usual, and you'll find your groups and Docs in the Course materials folder.

Zoom link:

See you on Saturday!

Lectures on 28 November

Dear all,

We're starting the last two courses, which go very much hand in hand, both in practical terms as well as thematically. You'll find the instructions (with links to your Docs) in the Course Materials folder.

Our lectures continue on Zoom; the meeting link is

When signing in, please use your full name (if possible). This will make it easier to identify you during the meeting.

Katja is our technical support this time as well; you can get in touch with her by phone (0451219187) if you have problems with your connection etc.

See you on Saturday!